St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Programming interviews and analysis of the church’s existing campus led LeMay Erickson Willcox to recommend demolition of an inefficient, inaccessible existing education building to make way for a new multipurpose-classroom building. The new facility provides a 250-seat fellowship hall, 10 classrooms, a music rehearsal suite and an administrative suite. On a large wooded lot, the design sensitively increases the parking areas while making the site handicapped accessible.
The new building was envisioned as a series of linked pavilions that connect to the existing Sanctuary via a canopy-covered walkway. The expressive cantilevered design of the canopy recalls the site’s heavy tree cover while providing a functional connection between the buildings. Split-face and ground- face masonry provide durable low-maintenance materials, economically recalling the stone piers of the existing Sanctuary.
- Honorable Mention / Masonry Institute, Inc. 2002
- Excellence in Construction / ABC Excellence in Construction 2001